
Prayer Walks, Prayer Meetings, Prayer Zooms, Prayer Prayer Prayer... Today I am writing this latest news as a reminder (and out of thankfulness to God) of the power of prayer.

The last few weeks my diary has sporadically been filled with moments of prayer - from praying at Kings school with Christian teachers in Harpenden, zoom calls with Christian parents at Roundwood Park School, my church's prayer and fasting week with a meeting focusing on Youth and Families, to prayer walking around schools during a break in teaching.

And here are just a few things I wanted to note, on reflection from these times of prayer:

Firstly, we can so often fill our diaries with tasks; going from one thing to the other and this can be great as we have the opportunity to share so much of our faith with young people, however, prayer is what fuels us. Spending that time one-to-one or in community with God. He provides our strength and our wisdom to go back out and do more of what He commissions us to do, share His story.

Secondly, as I just mentioned, these moments of prayer are often opportunities to gather with communities and share what God is putting on our hearts. I know I am encouraged deeply when I pray with other people and I end up praying for things that weren't on my radar before the meeting, as others pray and God stirs these things in my heart.

Thirdly (and probably most importantly), it is impossible without prayer. Prayer is where we can go to God and hear His will and way, it is where He highlights to us the plans and people He wants us to work with, it is where we can go and be honest with our struggles and challenges, where we can thank Him and praise Him for the small victories we see daily in our schools.

We have such an amazing opportunity to share Jesus with young people every day in our schools. We share this because we have a relational God who loves us and chooses to partner with us in His mission. Prayer is where this relationships starts, where we have conversations with the King, conversations that really do change and shape this world!


If you've been inspired by Mary's article, why not join us at our next Pudding and Prayer evening on 13th November at City Church from 7.30pm where you can hear stories about Step, pray for our work and of course have a sweet treat. Details about all our upcoming events, including this one, can be found here

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