Likes and Light Bulbs at Loreto

It has been a fantastic week for Step at Loreto – we have been there Monday, Tuesday and Thursday doing so many different things.
Monday was the Snug, where we set up the projector and lap top and sat back and watched Charley Mackesy’s beautiful animation of “The Boy, the Mole, The Fox and the Horse,” as we have been reading snippets of it in some of our sessions. It was a special time, and one girl found the animation so moving that she was in tears at the end of it!
Tuesday saw us run an all-day retreat for Year 7. It was their first experience of Step, and we had an absolute blast with them! From start to finish the students were engaged, enthusiastic and receptive to all that we did with them. We ran five sessions: Ultimate Questions, Who is Jesus and His miracles, Walk Through the Bible, Contemplative Craft and Team games, before finishing off with time together in the chapel, where Jane, Charlotte and John briefly gave their testimonies, and we gave out over 100 New Testaments. Whoop, whoop!
As I drew the retreat to a close, we asked them to write one “like,” and one “light bulb moment,” onto two post it notes. The “like” was something they had really enjoyed, and the “light bulb” was a moment where they learnt something new, or were struck by something in a fresh way. It was so encouraging to receive over 200 post it notes, covered in positive words. Here are some of the likes and light bulbs we received:
Making bracelets was fun and the Ultimate Questions made me realise what I believe.
The crafts - I really loved being able to engage and have a chat with my friends whilst doing fun activities.
My light bulb moment was when I realised that the Bible is basically a library of Holy Books.
I didn't know the story of Deborah.
The activity that got me thinking was Ultimate Questions
Light bulb moment - I didn't know that John flew a helicopter. (For those of you wondering, this is because John asked the students to guess if he was telling the truth or lying about flying a helicopter in our Who is Jesus and His miracles lesson!)
I liked playing the games we played with Jeff and when we made the bracelets.
Something new I learnt was how to tie a knot without letting go!
I learnt that you don't need evidence to prove something is true.
I enjoyed walking through the Bible.
Following Tuesday’s retreat, on Thursday, myself, Jane and Manjit were back at Loreto running The Haven course with a group of Year 9 students. The first session is always a little bit nerve wracking for everyone involved, but as the session progressed, the students began to relax and open up and we are sure that they are going to get a lot from the session, as they learn different tools to help them with their anxiety.
All these things along with another Snug for Year 9 after the Haven and a meeting with Head of Sixth form, left me feeling tired, but so blessed and fulfilled. God has been present throughout everything that we have done this week, and to Him be all the glory.
And as I reflect on this week, I have too many likes to mention, but I think my favourite was in the Snug with my Year 9’s as we reflected on all the things we love about life, and I was able to tell them that working with young people is one of the best things I get to do in life. And my light bulb moment … in Ultimate Questions where one student said the most profound thing – she said this: “We need to leave room in our lives for the impossible to happen…” Wow!
And before I sign off, I must mention that these kinds of events take place thanks to the help of our amazing volunteers, so thank you to all of you who were with me this week - you are all super stars!
Amy :)
Monday was the Snug, where we set up the projector and lap top and sat back and watched Charley Mackesy’s beautiful animation of “The Boy, the Mole, The Fox and the Horse,” as we have been reading snippets of it in some of our sessions. It was a special time, and one girl found the animation so moving that she was in tears at the end of it!
Tuesday saw us run an all-day retreat for Year 7. It was their first experience of Step, and we had an absolute blast with them! From start to finish the students were engaged, enthusiastic and receptive to all that we did with them. We ran five sessions: Ultimate Questions, Who is Jesus and His miracles, Walk Through the Bible, Contemplative Craft and Team games, before finishing off with time together in the chapel, where Jane, Charlotte and John briefly gave their testimonies, and we gave out over 100 New Testaments. Whoop, whoop!
As I drew the retreat to a close, we asked them to write one “like,” and one “light bulb moment,” onto two post it notes. The “like” was something they had really enjoyed, and the “light bulb” was a moment where they learnt something new, or were struck by something in a fresh way. It was so encouraging to receive over 200 post it notes, covered in positive words. Here are some of the likes and light bulbs we received:
Making bracelets was fun and the Ultimate Questions made me realise what I believe.
The crafts - I really loved being able to engage and have a chat with my friends whilst doing fun activities.
My light bulb moment was when I realised that the Bible is basically a library of Holy Books.
I didn't know the story of Deborah.
The activity that got me thinking was Ultimate Questions
Light bulb moment - I didn't know that John flew a helicopter. (For those of you wondering, this is because John asked the students to guess if he was telling the truth or lying about flying a helicopter in our Who is Jesus and His miracles lesson!)
I liked playing the games we played with Jeff and when we made the bracelets.
Something new I learnt was how to tie a knot without letting go!
I learnt that you don't need evidence to prove something is true.
I enjoyed walking through the Bible.
Following Tuesday’s retreat, on Thursday, myself, Jane and Manjit were back at Loreto running The Haven course with a group of Year 9 students. The first session is always a little bit nerve wracking for everyone involved, but as the session progressed, the students began to relax and open up and we are sure that they are going to get a lot from the session, as they learn different tools to help them with their anxiety.
All these things along with another Snug for Year 9 after the Haven and a meeting with Head of Sixth form, left me feeling tired, but so blessed and fulfilled. God has been present throughout everything that we have done this week, and to Him be all the glory.
And as I reflect on this week, I have too many likes to mention, but I think my favourite was in the Snug with my Year 9’s as we reflected on all the things we love about life, and I was able to tell them that working with young people is one of the best things I get to do in life. And my light bulb moment … in Ultimate Questions where one student said the most profound thing – she said this: “We need to leave room in our lives for the impossible to happen…” Wow!
And before I sign off, I must mention that these kinds of events take place thanks to the help of our amazing volunteers, so thank you to all of you who were with me this week - you are all super stars!
Amy :)
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