
Our series of lessons for Sixth Formers

Blueprint sessions

The Blueprint - Plans for Life series is a collection of workshops to help sixth form students prepare for leaving school.  Through reflecting on how uniquely wonderful each of us is, the following sessions aim to build up an arsenal of ideas and tools to help students deal with life. 

Ethical Shopping
Students use the Good Shopping Guide to explore the ethics of major companies and think about how that may impact their own shopping habits.
Students are guided through an interactive session designed to develop greater awareness of their personal preferences.
Love Languages
After learning about the 5 major ways in which we communicate love, students reflect on their own ways of expressing love within their friendship groups, families and romantic relationships.
Why Bother?
This lesson looks at how to handle conflict and difference of opinion well. Students also consider the power our words can have and the importance of listening to others, asking questions and staying calm.
Spaghetti and Waffles
A peer education session in which students discuss the distinctive qualities of our brains using a fascinating idea from Bill Farrel and Pam Farrel that our brains could be like a waffle or like spaghetti.
Students discuss stress and its helpful and hindering impact. We arm them with several tools which can be useful in managing stress.
Leadership Foundations Taster
Students are given a taster of our Leadership Foundations course and are encouraged to join a course on the back of the session
Moving On
An interactive discussion revolving around the idea of change and ‘moving on’. This session helps students consider leaving home, moving and getting a job whilst staying true to themselves.
Currently being written (will be available soon)
Saturday Night Survival Guide
Students learn and share tips on how to enjoy a night out and stay safe, including some basic first aid training.