Our volunteers are amazing!!!
Step will join other charities and voluntary organisation across the UK to celebrate all our volunteers for the 39th Volunteer’s Week. However, Step will celebrate from 22-26 th May as Volunteer’s Week begins in the middle of half term – when we are not in schools.
Step would not be able to do what it does without the huge team of volunteers that support, deliver, create, and curate various elements of what Step is invited to do with our local schools.
If you follow our regular updates and social media posts, you will know that we are currently invited into 15 secondary schools across St Albans and Harpenden. From September to the end of April we have delivered 1578 activities to secondary school’s students. This equates to approximately 12 activities per school day.
Alongside our 8 schools coordinators, our 48 school’s volunteers deliver these activities (lessons, courses, and lunchtime activities) in schools. Some of our schools take a day off timetable to immerse a whole year group in a particular theme and our volunteers are crucial to enable these amazing days to be so effective.
Not all volunteers go into schools. We also have a wonderful Admin Team who help us to create resources, stuff envelopes and pack resources for some of our sessions.
Please look at our other Latest News posts, to see what Step has been doing. If you would like to join us, please email terrie@stepschoolswork.org.uk
Terrie :)
Step would not be able to do what it does without the huge team of volunteers that support, deliver, create, and curate various elements of what Step is invited to do with our local schools.
If you follow our regular updates and social media posts, you will know that we are currently invited into 15 secondary schools across St Albans and Harpenden. From September to the end of April we have delivered 1578 activities to secondary school’s students. This equates to approximately 12 activities per school day.
Alongside our 8 schools coordinators, our 48 school’s volunteers deliver these activities (lessons, courses, and lunchtime activities) in schools. Some of our schools take a day off timetable to immerse a whole year group in a particular theme and our volunteers are crucial to enable these amazing days to be so effective.
Not all volunteers go into schools. We also have a wonderful Admin Team who help us to create resources, stuff envelopes and pack resources for some of our sessions.
Please look at our other Latest News posts, to see what Step has been doing. If you would like to join us, please email terrie@stepschoolswork.org.uk
Terrie :)

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