A Volunteer's Perspective

We love our volunteers at Step and each one offers something unique to the schools in St Albans and Harpenden. John, who goes to City Church, has kindly shared a few of his experiences below.
One of my favourite activities with Step is being on the panel of Grill a Christian. A class can ask any sensible question about Christianity and often the questions are not known beforehand. I like that challenge, and find that I have been reading or thinking about something a few days beforehand which comes up in the session. Step’s work links my devotions with real life. So I am often asked to explain how I became a believer and I am pleased to say that since joining Step, I have 'given my testimony' to hundreds of students. That would not have happened had I not been on a panel. When I recently shared that with my church, I was able to challenge them with a similar opportunity. Working with Step as a volunteer is really fulfilling.
While on a panel of Grill a Christian at Beaumont School, we were asked why we got baptised. I answered by saying that for me, it was following the example of the Lord Jesus who was baptised by John the Baptist. I explained that for me, it was a costly experience with a lot of people peering over me and checking out that I went right under etc. I explained to the class that I was aware that when I went down into the water, I was identifying with Jesus' death for me and with His taking away my sin. When I came out of the water, I was identifying with His resurrection and leaving my sin behind. As I shared these truths, there was a hush over the class - a God moment, and very precious.
While at Loreto College talking to Year 12 students about handling stress, I went to a group of six to listen in on what was most stressful for them. They said it was about choosing A-levels, a university, and a career. After listening to their comments, I suggested that a most worthwhile choice of career was one of giving out, rather than one of getting! I explained how leaving behind goodness and benefit was more worthwhile than taking as much as one could out of life. Jesus said it was more blessed to give rather than receive. They were really impacted by that thought and went on in their discussion with some vigour.
If you want to consider joining John by becoming a Step volunteer, please get in touch
One of my favourite activities with Step is being on the panel of Grill a Christian. A class can ask any sensible question about Christianity and often the questions are not known beforehand. I like that challenge, and find that I have been reading or thinking about something a few days beforehand which comes up in the session. Step’s work links my devotions with real life. So I am often asked to explain how I became a believer and I am pleased to say that since joining Step, I have 'given my testimony' to hundreds of students. That would not have happened had I not been on a panel. When I recently shared that with my church, I was able to challenge them with a similar opportunity. Working with Step as a volunteer is really fulfilling.
While on a panel of Grill a Christian at Beaumont School, we were asked why we got baptised. I answered by saying that for me, it was following the example of the Lord Jesus who was baptised by John the Baptist. I explained that for me, it was a costly experience with a lot of people peering over me and checking out that I went right under etc. I explained to the class that I was aware that when I went down into the water, I was identifying with Jesus' death for me and with His taking away my sin. When I came out of the water, I was identifying with His resurrection and leaving my sin behind. As I shared these truths, there was a hush over the class - a God moment, and very precious.
While at Loreto College talking to Year 12 students about handling stress, I went to a group of six to listen in on what was most stressful for them. They said it was about choosing A-levels, a university, and a career. After listening to their comments, I suggested that a most worthwhile choice of career was one of giving out, rather than one of getting! I explained how leaving behind goodness and benefit was more worthwhile than taking as much as one could out of life. Jesus said it was more blessed to give rather than receive. They were really impacted by that thought and went on in their discussion with some vigour.
If you want to consider joining John by becoming a Step volunteer, please get in touch
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