A Day In The Life of...
I don't know if you've heard, but, Step is recruiting. We are looking for a new Schools Coordinator. It's really hard to explain what a Schools Coordinator does - every day is so different that narrowing it down is almost impossible.
The easier option is to choose a day, say today, and tell you what I did.
The easier option is to choose a day, say today, and tell you what I did.
My day started with a snatched few moments considering my day ahead and some heart felt prayers that God be seen by all I meet today. My first opportunity is a walk round a church alongside a sixth form teacher explaining how the churches architecture reflected its values. She kept saying " I could spend every day here, it is amazing". At 9.30 I met a wonderful small group of students from a local secondary school visiting the church for a tour of its justice and compassion work. Whilst I was chatting with these students 60 sixth formers from another school turned up to spend a day retreating with the Step team. They were especially excited by the hot doughnuts.
Sadly I had to leave these lovely groups to head off into school. I had 7 young men waiting for me to share Haven with them. We are spending 8 weeks together exploring tools to help them with their mental health. Today was a great session starting with Lindt chocolate gifts and finishing with far ranging conversations including 'why would an entrepreneur become a church leader?" For the record we also experienced square breathing and had an immersive conversation around the contributing factors to anxiety.
Sadly I had to leave these lovely groups to head off into school. I had 7 young men waiting for me to share Haven with them. We are spending 8 weeks together exploring tools to help them with their mental health. Today was a great session starting with Lindt chocolate gifts and finishing with far ranging conversations including 'why would an entrepreneur become a church leader?" For the record we also experienced square breathing and had an immersive conversation around the contributing factors to anxiety.

After a swift cup of coffee, I reset the room for a lesson on 'Human Comprehension' which explores some of Gary Chapman's work on Love Languages. Packs of Lovehearts are a compulsory addition to this lesson. Straight after that, our Leadership Foundations course continued with 14 amazing young people keen to develop themselves. Identity was the topic of the week and over a 'working lunch' and through the clever use of hats, reflections and challenging conversation the team of Step facilitators helped the students explore their God given qualities. It was brilliant to reflect on Jesus' observations regarding comparison and also his call for us to be perfect like his Father in Heaven. As soon as Jesus' name is mentioned, you sense the room divide. Fascinatingly, it's actually opinions on church which rise to the surface, not opinions of Jesus or his words. The Step team often find themselves having to wrestle with this phenomena and today was no different. Driving back to the office I found myself specifically praying for one young person who has especially looked challenged by my mention of Jesus.

No more school activities today, so back to the office for a few prayers concerning the students I've met today and some administration in preparation for the activities tomorrow will bring. I'll prepare the best I can, but who knows what exciting things will happen.
Did I say we were recruiting, if you would like to join us in endless eventful days talking about Jesus and seeing young lives changed for the better, follow the link and apply as soon as possible.
Did I say we were recruiting, if you would like to join us in endless eventful days talking about Jesus and seeing young lives changed for the better, follow the link and apply as soon as possible.
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