Likes, Lemons, Lightbulbs

At Beaumont Explore Club, we like to begin our time together by sharing our likes, lemons and lightbulbs of the week.

In case you’re not one of the Beaumont Explorers, let me explain that ‘likes’ are the positive moments, ‘lemons’ are the challenging moments, and ‘lightbulbs’ are the moments of wonder that stopped us in our tracks.

As my time at Step comes to an end, I thought I'd leave you with a like, lemon and lightbulb from the past five years.

All the tremendous people - Step team, volunteers, and school staff - who have guided, stretched, encouraged, prayed and laughed with me. (I’ve possibly cheated here by squeezing a LOT of people into one ‘like’.)

Schools being shut by a global pandemic. But Step is good at making lemonade from life’s lemons and it’s incredible to look back and see how we were carried through everything Covid chucked our way. (I seem to have turned that ‘lemon’ into a ‘like’… Definitely cheating now.)

Every single time I saw a young person’s face light up with a new realisation about themselves and the God who loves them.

Au revoir, Step. It’s been a life-changer. Thank you for having me!


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