Resurrection for life

Resurrection for life

During my recent time of extended leave I had some opportunity to ponder anew the importance of the Resurrection. Most of my life I had been able to take on faith that the biblical words describing the events around Jesus’ resurrection were true.

Some of my recent encounters with people of a different faith have been interesting for me as I have witnessed a different worldview which categorically says that Jesus had no death or resurrection, and their adherents believe this so strongly. It has caused me to re-centre the importance of this event in my mind and to discuss it more openly with others.

Today having the opportunity to teach the Narnia Resurrection lesson we had the space with a class of year 8s in Roundwood school to explore the meaning behind the resurrection and to emphasise that Christians believe it is a verifiable historical event, not just an allegory. If true, it changes everything, and if its false then nothing about Christianity can be trusted.

During the final activity the students sifted through a number of statements which supported or denied the resurrection, we challenged them to try and find a convincing argument for each of the sides of the discussion, but when one student was brave enough to suggest a statement she thought was viable for denying the resurrection, she soon had 10 responses countering this and they weren’t all statements which we had issued. There seemed to be some deep thought and conviction behind their desire to exhort the likeliness of Jesus’ resurrection.

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