Verulam Christianity Day A Huge Success

We had a great day with the Year 7s at Verulam School on Tuesday for our annual Christianity Day. The Step team delivered 20 lessons before lunch, with the boys rotating around four different lessons.
Who is Jesus and His Miracles explored the historical evidence that Jesus was real and asked the crucial question, was his claim to be God true? The lesson looks at the evidence for this, with a main focus on the miracles Jesus performed showing his authority over death, illness, nature and sin – all predicted characteristics of the coming Messiah.
Our Parables lesson was a chance for the boys to search their Bibles (gifted to them by ‘Good News for Everyone’, formerly Gideons) for as many parables of Jesus as they could find. As a group we delved into the hidden meanings behind them before focusing on the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Excitingly, we are launching a Youth Alpha course with the Year 7s on Monday lunchtime so one of the sessions used Week 3 of the course to help the boys understand the significance of the cross – arguably the logo of Christianity.
We also had a famous Fairtrade lesson as the boys made trainers in an unfair game to illustrate the importance of fairness in our trade system to positively impact the lives of so many of the world’s poorest people.
After lunch there was an incredibly lively inter-form Kahoot Quiz, where the teachers got just as competitive as the boys in recalling all the things they had learned throughout the day, and a final reflection looking at what God says about our purpose. It was such an honour to spend the day with the boys and a big thank you goes to the amazing volunteers who made the day possible.
Who is Jesus and His Miracles explored the historical evidence that Jesus was real and asked the crucial question, was his claim to be God true? The lesson looks at the evidence for this, with a main focus on the miracles Jesus performed showing his authority over death, illness, nature and sin – all predicted characteristics of the coming Messiah.
Our Parables lesson was a chance for the boys to search their Bibles (gifted to them by ‘Good News for Everyone’, formerly Gideons) for as many parables of Jesus as they could find. As a group we delved into the hidden meanings behind them before focusing on the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Excitingly, we are launching a Youth Alpha course with the Year 7s on Monday lunchtime so one of the sessions used Week 3 of the course to help the boys understand the significance of the cross – arguably the logo of Christianity.
We also had a famous Fairtrade lesson as the boys made trainers in an unfair game to illustrate the importance of fairness in our trade system to positively impact the lives of so many of the world’s poorest people.
After lunch there was an incredibly lively inter-form Kahoot Quiz, where the teachers got just as competitive as the boys in recalling all the things they had learned throughout the day, and a final reflection looking at what God says about our purpose. It was such an honour to spend the day with the boys and a big thank you goes to the amazing volunteers who made the day possible.
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