Tough Stuff session 5

Depression is like a blanket of sadness so heavy you feel unable to move or remove it.

Defending ourselves from our thoughts and feelings can help us for a while but can become unhealthy if we don’t develop better tools.

“It is tempting to protect ourselves and not share how we feel with others. What might they say or do? It is in fact in connecting with others and sharing how we are doing that we can find things get better. It isn’t always about what they say or do but about us thinking and going on a journey of looking after ourselves.
Taking time to see who can support us is important to do. This changes over time and is always shifting as people come and go in our lives. Some will stay constant for us but it Is important to not get bogged down by one person being our support and reaching out to a few. We are loved and by reaching out to others we trust we can begin to see the reality of this.’

Tool: High Five (Protective Behaviours)

Using the glove we have provided for you to list your allies, ask them to be ready to help you if you begin to struggle. Remember:
On your thumb write down a person who is fun.
On the index finger write down a person who you go to for direction.
On the tallest finger write down a person who encourages you.
On the ring finger write down a person who you can be honest with.
On the smallest finger write down a person who supports you.