Tough Stuff session 1
Loss and grief

Grief is like a wave.
In time, it can recede and leave us with feelings of peace and advancement, only for it to wash back in with all its crushing hopelessness and sorrow. Back and forth it goes, but with each retreating drift of despair, we are left a little stronger, more resilient, more essential and better at our new life.
Nick Cave

Defending ourselves from our thoughts and feelings can help us for a while but can become unhealthy if we don’t develop better tools.

Tool: Journal

‘We gave you a journal sketchbook at the beginning of our session, this is your first gift from us and the tool from today's session. We’d encourage you to look over the journal afterschool or in a space in a break time. See what is inside. We will be using these each week so please bring them back with you .’
‘Journaling is recognised as being helpful in reducing anxiety through: providing clarity; identifying patterns; revealing emotions, and processing decisions. It can help us become more flexible and accepting in our thinking. Strengthened self-discipline and achievement of goals and are also attributed to journaling.
The act of writing involves coordination between hand, eye and mind. Journaling is an effective method for unearthing self-knowledge and revealing the resources and capabilities we have within us.
You’ll see that the journal we have given you has some sketches and questions within it. These can guide our thoughts. Journaling can also look as simple as writing down 3 things that you are thankful for today, a moment you found challenging or a sketch of a feeling or a thought you had today.
Use our journal or pick up a blank piece of paper or a notebook and have an experiment. See what you think.
There is no right and wrong with journaling, It is important to know you can and should make it your own.’